Manila, Philippines- Habitat for Humanity Philippines re-launches its “Rebuild Philippines- Online Champions: Race to 200K” campaign through its crowd funding website <<www.give2Habitat.org/philippines>> with the primary objective of engaging the public to create their own Give2Habitat support online fundraising page in helping raise additional funds to sustain its ongoing rehabilitation efforts in building disaster resilient homes for numerous families and communities still affected by super typhoon “Haiyan” (locally known as “Yolanda”).
During the initial phase of Habitat’s relief efforts, weeks after Haiyan, the project was able to address the immediate needs for community sustainability and shelter repair in the communities of Cebu, Samar, Leyte, Iloilo, and Palawan through the distribution of 4,730 Emergency Shelter Kits (ESK), 16,062 Shelter Repair Kits (SRK), 90 pump boats, 40 trisikad, 1,978 solar lamps, 450 Clean-Up Kits.
To date, Habitat Philippines was able to engage more than 2,000 online fundraising volunteers who created and managed unique support pages which has raised more than Php 17Million through its Give2Habitat page in its official website.
Through partnerships with both public and private sectors, Habitat for Humanity Philippines was able to deliver and is continuously building classrooms, community centres, and core houses in affected areas of super typhoon Haiyan. However, there are still many families and communities who need continuous support.

If you want to help and donate. Please visit this link.
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Habitat for Humanity Philippines (HFHP) is a non-profit organization that serves Filipino families in need of decent homes. We bring together partners who share the same vision of transforming lives through building responsible and sustainable communities. Established in 1988, HFHP is a country affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International based in Georgia, USA. For 25 years, HFHP has served over 60,000 families throughout the country. HFHP envisions that every Filipino family has a decent place to live. Visit www.habitat.org.ph or www.facebook.com/habitatphilippines for more details.
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