Bloggers Blowout Movies category.
After the opening of the event and the Music Category (check out my previous post here), of the AstroVision-Orange Magazine TV's Bloggers' Blowout, Movies was up next, and yeah, I was there too. I sat in the whole part, I just wanted to get a grasp of the whole movie thing.
Magnavision, CInteractive, Ivory Video, Viva Video, Warner Bros. Pictures and 20th Century Fox showcased their current releases and upcoming releases.
Latest and some releases from Magnavision

Latest and some releases from CInteractive.

For Viva Video

Ivory Video shared to us some B movies that they have. A few would be like "Titanic 2", "Let The game Begin", "Airline Disaster", "Drop Dead Gorgeous", "Tully" and many others.
They also played various trailers from Warner Pictures and 20th Century Fox.
The movie group and speakers basically talked about the current newly releases and their upcoming releases on DVD and Blu-Ray. And as they were playing some trailers that are currently available and about to released in the market, Thing that made it better watching the movie trailers is the amazing LG SMART TV. big ass screen with awesome clarity and exquisite design. LG is certainly one of the top tv manufacturers and definitely top of my list. Check out my previous post on LG here.
Movie buffs and fellow bloggers during the talk.
Same as the past speakers, they gave out DVDs, and raffled off some great premium items. YEY!!!
Watching their current Blu-Ray and DVD releases made me realize that I was missing out on a lot of great movies. Oh yea... A lot. Being able to sit in the movie reignited my interest in collecting DVDs (the original ones, that's right!)
So who doesn't like watching movies right? Everyone has their own movie kryptonite, and where can you ever find these awesome releases, selection and great prices? AstroVision! Where else? :)
Awesome Thanks to the following below for making it possible. :) Click on the logos to be directed to their Facebook fan pages.
Visit ASTROVISION at the 3rd flr. GREENBELT 5, MAKATI Tel. 7299809 : 7299823 |
Next up is the gadgets, finally!!! YEY! Watchout for it! :)
This is mix signing out! :)
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