I was hesitant at first. To watch it. I felt it wasn't going to live up to the level the first few xmen movie franchises. With a lot of fresh new faces versus the all star cast of the Xmen trilogy who would expect right?
Still i went to the special screening and invited my best bud Thom. I got the tickets from Nuffnang and happy toothpaste and watched at greenbelt 3.. Thanks for the awesome pass guys!
I prepared myself to be nonchalant, and practicing my reaction lines. " it wasn't bad" " it was ok" "it was uhhmm nice"
I prepared myself to be nonchalant, and practicing my reaction lines. " it wasn't bad" " it was ok" "it was uhhmm nice"
Then credits rolled up, the movie was starting. From the title itself, i got that this was how the xmen group started the history and stuff. But here are a few things I didn't know the movie had.
- how prof X got paralized
- how magneto got his helmet
- how beast became, uhhhmmm beast.
- history of mystic
- Hot hot Emma Frost
- Hank coming up with cerebro and blackbird
- How Magneto met Prof. X
- Havoc's recruitment. I'm trying to connect it to the wolverine's movie with cyclops cameo. Maybe there's none? But since they are brothers, there should be a hint somewhere.
- Yes, wolverine was also in the movie being recruited by magneto and prof x. And was told to fuck off. Haha
With those facts given, it's nice that the writers and director was able to keep people's interest in the movie, and yeah, I guess I liked it.. In fact loved it. Fresh take on the X-Men and Marvel. I just love it how they start to figure our their powers and to really know the history of the X-Men characters.

For it's great story and direction. Not to mention, the awesomeness of their powers, the action, the drama... and oh yeah, Emma Frost. :)
I give it 4 out of 5.

For it's great story and direction. Not to mention, the awesomeness of their powers, the action, the drama... and oh yeah, Emma Frost. :)
few thumbnails and trailer after the jump
Marvel Mix signing out!
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