This shirt, is one of a kind... and i'll tell you why. First? it is customized. Second, it shows a part of my personality. I'm the type who tries to makes jokes and keep the mood light. As for the word Bazinga? Well it's from the TV series "The Big Bang Theory" It is actually popularized by the character there Sheldon Cooper. He uses that word every time he cracks a joke. the says "Bazinga!" To give you a better example:
"Sheldon from criticizing Leonard, so Leonard is forced to find his error and correct it. Sheldon observes, “You actually had it right in the first place. Once again, you’ve fallen for one of my classic pranks. BAZINGA!”

I've had numerous events and gatherings that i was able to wear this shirt. Not only is it a good start-up conversation but the design and whole look of it just simply kicks ass. Yes the design may be a rip off of the Flash logo. but still, it is well designed.
I got the logo off the net, improved it a bit and had it heat pressed to a good shirt. I believe that only a few here in the Philippines have this kind and design. It is special because this was the shirt that i was wearing when i got introduced to my fiance's family on New Year's Day. I will not go into details but this definitely a big step / milestone on our relationship.
I may not have many pictures or videos of myself wearing the actual shirt, but definitely I can still wear the shirt 5 years from now. Imagine how many memories, how many conversations, how many jokes, how many laughter, how many sharing and trackback of "The Big Bang Theory" episodes and many other things that can happen within 5 years.
Now I hope you can understand why I love this shirt. "I love this shirt! Now I want someone else to love it too! I support the Electrolux Wash-athon Clothes Donation Advocacy.
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